 > Regulation
 > Exhibition

IDC2007 - Thank you,"MAE" (MOM) !

In Thailand, people celebrate Mother's day on August 12th and the whole month of August as Mother's month to thank smiley mom's affection.
This year's IDC, robots are also coming to give beautiful flowers for their mom to make her happy!
"Mom" is going to reach her hand of happier side. Which team can make Mom happiest?

About 300mm diameter of Jasmine garland. Only one Puang-Malai can be loaded on to a lower machine before the match starts. On the entire object excluding Puang-Malai, Velcro loop tapes are attached.
[Cattleya Flower]
100 x 100 x 200 mm (WLH) styrofoam with plastic flower of cattleya on top.
[Lotus Flower]
200 x 200 x 200mm (WLH) styrofoam with plastic flower of lotus on top. This object is 4 times heavier than Cattleya flower.
[Lotus Leaf]
300mm diameter and 50mm height styrofoam.

Total dimension is 6000mm width and 3000mm length. In the back, there stands a rotation panel that imitate a "Mom".
Field is mainly consisted of "ground area" ,"lake area" and "lake side area". Lake area is 200mm lower than ground area. These are connected by 45 degree slope.

[Start Area]
In front and at rear on the both team side of the field, The Start area of 500mm x 500mm is designated.

[Ground Area]
32 Objects of "Cattleya Flower" are set up.

[Lake Area]
3000mm x 1500mm area. 16 Objects of "Lotus Flower" and "Lotus Leaf" are placed. Lotus flower is set on the lotus leaf when the match starts. Also 1 rack holding 3 "puang-malai" is placed in the middle of this area.

[Lake Side Area]
Lake sides are 2 separated area of 1500mm x 1500mm located on outer side of lake area. Opponent side of lake side area is restricted.
*This figure is image

click to enlarge

[Mom Panel]
Mom Panel is a 2m width round pendulum. It can freely rotate at center according to mass moment of object. Initially it balances itself at the central axis.
At the bottom of this panel, pockets are attached. Body part and Arm part have hook of Velcro to catch "flower" and "Lotus Leaf". Hand part has bars to hang "Puang-Malai".


All of the team may use tools to help attaching objects on to mom. Tools can be separated from machines but must not have any function of mobility. It is not necessary to remove tools from mom after the match finishes only if the total weight of tools on mom does not exceed the weight of 1 "Lotus Flower".
Teams must make a declaration and take weight test for using tools.

2 teams fight in a match. Time limit is 90 seconds.

Difinition of winning :
Following priority determines winning.
1, When a judge confirms opponent's foul.
2, When own team put a "puang-malai" on Mom's hand of the team side.
3, After a match finishes, a team of which side a mom is tilted.
4, In the case of that condition above cannot determine winner:
Qualifier match - result of "Rock-Scissor-Paper" determines.
Semi-final or Final match - Both teams play another match.

If any of foul action below is recognized by the judge, the team will be disqualified.
1. Breaking into restricted area. (Any part of robot is not allowed to touch restricted area )
2. Machines must not touch Mom, side area or outside of the field, on purpose.
3. Destruction of opponent machines.
4. Throwing objects towards outer side of the field.

Even part of robot is not allowed to touch restricted area

Machines are to be manufactured only with following supplies:
1. Materials and parts in robot kit. (Each team can use 2 kits for 1 or 2 robots)
2. Bolts, Nuts, Washers and Stick Glue that are prepared in the machinery.
3. Vinyl tape used as an electric insulator.
4. Grease
5. Any purchases under the expense of 600 Thai Bahts in total (almost $20)
6. Unfunctional ornament
Also following usages are prohibited:
1. Bolts, Nuts, Washers and Stick Glue as structural material
2. Sticky tape (not available in machinery) as parts constraint

Machines are to be operated by any of following energy.
1. Gravity potential
2. The elasticity energy generated by a spring. (Rubber band is exception)
3. The electric energy and the compressed air that generated by controller unit.

Size and Weight:
At the beginning of the game, machines must fit into 500mm cubic volume - the same size as the starting area. Also at this time, machines must be less than 5kg in weight.

>> A Robot Kit

1. The machine that seems to have safety problems will be disqualified.
2. Machines must not throw objects outside of the field.
3. Time limit of preparation for machine setup, loading a control unit, and checking, is within 90seconds. Also after the match, team must unload the control unit within 60 seconds. Team will be disqualified if violating this condition.
4. Preparation of machines will be going under the control disconnected. Team can check their machine with the control activated, after both team is ready. After the match, team should remove their machine immediately.
5. Compressed air tubes are to be color-coded as a direction of exhibit.
6. A machine must be operated by one crew.
7. Team must use same machines for the entire competition.
8. Crew must not touch machines during the match.
9. Destroying of facilities of contest can cause the team to be disqualified.
10. Violating the contest philosophy, such as strategy that damaging opponent machines is not acceptable. If these are recognized by a judge, team will be disqualified for the whole the contest.
11. Stick glue must not used for actuation.
12. Team must not mess up the field or the opponent machines by grease.
13. Chemical process of kit or processing of recycle stuff is not allowed.
14. Winning with unconsciously violating the rules can be cancelled.
15. Team must not use Field fence, field floor and something outside if the field.
16. Numerical data of actual objects and field have priority over on this regulation.